A typical DD4T page simply displays the component presentations on that page. But what if your requirements go a little further than that? What if you are asked to show a list of all press releases in the system, and you want to retrieve them from SDL’s broker database? This article explains how you would set about to achieve this.
Category Archives: Tridion
New version of DD4T released
All I want for Christmas is… a new release of DD4T! Today a new version of DD4T is released by the community. Continue reading
Videos Tridion Developer Summit on Tridion TV
Over 100 videos from Tridion Developer Summit (2014-2017) are available now on Tridion TV. The annual event in Amsterdam brings together Tridion professionals to exchange ideas and learn from one another. Trivident is proud to sponsor the event from the first edition.
Agenda SDL Web (Tridion) User Group meeting
Topics for the upcoming SDL Web (Tridion) user group meeting have been announced. The meeting will be held on September 14th at Trivident in Amsterdam.
The template builder is (sort of) portable
The Tridion template builder is a great tool, but it can sometimes be tricky to install. SDL have chosen to distribute it through the ClickOnce mechanism (seeĀ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ClickOnce). This does not work with Chrome out of the box, and I haven’t always had good results with the various ClickOnce Chrome extensions out there. Instead, I normally start up IE and point it to the CM site, click on the Tools ribbon and install the Template Builder from there.
There are times when even this approach does not work, for example if I’m working on some locked down machine. For these occasions it is good to know that the Template Builder is portable – or rather portable-ish.