Category Archives: DD4T

DD4T REST Provider – Basic authentication

In my previous post I explained how to add HTTP Basic authentication to a DD4T REST Service.

If you have done that and your application is consuming content from the REST service, your request should end up in HTTP  403 Not Authorized. This is to be expected, because you have now implemented authentication on the REST service, but the client – the DD4T Rest Provider – does not add any authentication headers to the request by default.

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Add HTTP Basic Authentication to a DD4T REST Service

In this blog post we will implement HTTP Basic Authentication on a DD4T REST service. For instructions on how to setup a DD4T RestService follow the instructions described in previous #dd4tdaily articles

DD4T.RestService.WebApi is based on OWIN (Open Web Interface for .NET), a new standardized interface between web servers and web applications. It is meant as a way to break up the tight coupling between ASP.NET and IIS. In this article I will not go in depth on what OWIN is, but it’s essential for this blog post to have a basic understanding on how this works. OWIN allows you to assemble and construct the pipeline of a HTTP Request, by adding so called Middleware to the pipeline. DD4T.RestService.WebApi is a middleware.
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